

 I was blogging through Tim Keller's book, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. I had already read through it, and was proceeding to blog through each chapter. It's been awhile since my last entry, so I thought I would explain why. I get the e-skeptic email, which had an article that ended with the quote below. It neatly summed up why I just didn't want to keep going through that book.
 "Timothy Keller’s, The Reason for God, though falling short of any expectations one might harbour based on the title, does serve us with distinction as an important offering of contemporary conservative Christian thought. The reader hoping for philosophically satisfying discourse on an Uncaused First Cause may find himself frustrated and sadly disappointed by the more narrow scope of Reverend Keller’s dogmatic perspective. Nevertheless, for anyone wishing to maintain an understanding of modern fundamentalist Christian doctrine, this work is a must read." - Kenneth Grubbs
The whole article can be found here. I was really looking for something different when I started going through that book. It seems to be more for people who want to believe, or already do believe in a particular fundamentalist world view. It's not really for skeptics though. In that way, I found it very similar to the Alpha course.
I do feel a little bit of a quitter for not blogging through each chapter, but it's just not worth the time. If you have not really thought about belief before, are not really a skeptic, or maybe want a glimpse into one version of Christianity, then it's is a perfect book. I just don't fall into any of those categories at the moment.
PS - SMBC, it just makes me laugh so much.

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